According to the San Francisco Chronicle, today is Odd Day. Today's date, 5/7/09, is one of only six this century that will feature three consecutive odd numbers. Learn more at http://www.oddday.net/.
Come to think of it, I have been feeling a little odd today......I just thought it was because my sweetie was gone.
Wanna know what's odd? Our local Health Department thinking it's OK for them to not tell the parents about a case of H1N1 at the school until 9 days later! WTH is up with that??? I am one pissed off mama! If I didn't already have my two diabetics innocculated for flu from the beginning of the school year, I would be in that office tomorrow morning raising hell. I bet there will be some people there tomorrow anyway!
Interesting... I never even knew such a thing as "odd day" existed! Never thought about it. I'm waiting for 11/11/11, myself.
09/09/09 is 06/06/06 upside-down.
It's odd that I haven't read about this before.
Hey, you're a teacher. Is zero really an odd number? Inquiring minds want to know.
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