Sunday, September 14, 2008

What a Mess!

Okay, I am writing this on my iPhone in my car. I am in the car because this is the only place I can charge my phone. A "category 1" windstorm blew through here from around noon to 4 pm. My beautiful tree out front is cracked and a major piece is just laying on my house. I have no power and no Internet. Jefferson County, Kentucky, which is essentially the city of Louisville, has been declared in a state of emergency, as have most of the counties in Southern Indiana. There is no school tomorrow in either area. At least the storm cooled everything off. It is very nice outside with no humidity and many of my neighbors are sitting outside on their front porches tonight. Anyway, I was planning on writing a real post tonight as well as visiting all of your blogs, but I can't. Oh well. I'm sure it will all shake out in the end. More later. Stay safe and dry wherever you are.



Brother Dave said...

I had read somewhere that Ike's affects had reached up into Ohio. So your windstorm certainly seems to be Ike related.

Hopefully your house took no damage from the tree. Being without power is a real bummer. Luckily you do not need to be up early in the morning to get ready for school.

Grab a sleeping bag and sleep out on your porch tonight. Seems like great sleeping weather.

One nice thing is that you are still connected to the outside world with your iPhone.

Sayre said...

Yikes! Ike and Gustav have both been far-reaching!

I have a little something for you on my blog - stop by when you get a chance!

Jay said...

It came through here last night. A few trees around town is all that got damaged here though.

Hope your power comes back soon!

Poppy said...

At least YOU and the kids are ok, the most important part.

Sushiboy said...

I'm glad everyone is ok. Hope you get power and all that water stays away from your house.

e.Craig Crawford said...

Well .. my question as to how Indiana fared is answered.

My sister and at least two of my daughters are also sitting in the dark, as is half my neighborhood. Fortunately I was spared.

Daughter Nancy worked a mandatory 4 hour overtime. They had a backlog of at least 50 emergency calls at the normal end of her shift.

Hope you get your power back soon.

Jodi said...

Thanks everybody. As of 9:30 Monday morning we still don't have power but the weather is cool and now that it's daylight, the boys are able to entertain themselves. Last night sitting in the dark was a real bummer. When I get my Internet back, I have pictures to share. More later.


Anonymous said...

WOW! Poor tree! I hope it didn't do any damage to your roof.

Thinking of you!!

Canadian flake said...

Hope you are drying out and recovering there. I stopped in to see how things are going. I was lurking and reading so thought I would say hi. Hope you don't mind. Please take care. Hope things get all fixed soon.

Avitable said...

Glad to hear that you were safe.

yorksdevil said...

I saw that they had to cut short the MotoGP racing up in Indianapolis because of the wind. Losing the electricity for all that time is a shame. I hope there's not too much food spoiling in the fridge/freezer.

Desert Diva said...

How horrible! I'm glad that you and yours are safe though...

Jodi said...

Most of my food is at my parents' house. We are there for the evening.
