Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Birthday Kisses

Today is a very special day! It is my most favorite person in the whole world's birthday!!!

Happy 46th Birthday, Steven!!

I love you and I can't wait to give you a birthday hug and kiss in person!!

Your Hoosier Girl


trkndude299 said...

Thanks Babe,
I feel quite the antique now.



Sayre said...

Dude... I'm STILL older than you. But only by three months ;)
Happy birthday!

e.Craig Crawford said...

Happy 46th, Steven. And here's to at least 46 more.

Sushiboy said...

Hey Congrats Steven! Hope your birthday is happy and safe, so you can get back to see your loved ones soon!

Shen-Shen said...

Happy Birthday Steven! :D

Jay said...

Happy Birthday dude!

trkndude299 said...

Your older than me. That's ok though, your not acting your age.

Thank You, but please, I don't think I can handle another 46 years.

Thanks, seeing loved ones is Always Good!

Shen Shen;
Thank You. I hope your summer vacation is going well.

Dude, Thanks.

Thank You everyone! It was a good day to have a B-day.
Same ole, same ole. That's good - I Like same ole stuff.

Anonymous said...

Pass on birthday greetings to Steven for me. I look forward to meeting both of you someday - since you are so close! :P

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Happy Birthday, Steven.