Monday, August 25, 2008

Oh What a Monday!

If you could take more control of one aspect of your life, what would it be? Oh this is an easy one. My finances. But I'm working on it.

If you were to name the difference between the male soul and the female soul, what would it be? Expressing emotion. Men feel emotion, but they are often reluctant to express it. Women feel it AND express it. Maybe too much.

If you had to admit the most selfish thing you do on a regular basis, what would you say it is? Spend time on the computer. There are times when I should be doing other things but instead I sit here in this chair and read.

Okay, my coworker is driving me crazy, my dad called me at work to yell at me, my son is playing "last minute charlie" with some very important school stuff, I ate some bad food and my back is killing me, AND I dropped my iPhone and now it won't work it all....and I don't have TIME tomorrow OR Wednesday to go by the Apple store in Louisville.....ARRGH!
So anyway, time to go to bed.
Tomorrow WILL be better!


Jay said...

Tomorrow will be a better day! Guaranteed!

trkndude299 said...

Would you like some cheese to go with that wine?
I've got some wine to go with your er, well, it doesn't have the same ring to my verse.
Ok, just hand me my Cheddar please.
I must now go + plug my pie orifice.

Mwmmmff, muuummmmf, mwwwwwwwmff.

trkndude299 said...

If you could take more control of one aspect of your life, what would it be?
To pay off all my bills!

If you were to name the difference between the male soul and the female soul, what would it be?
Expressing emotion. I absolutely hate my emotional side. It makes me feel too human, when being human is my greatest wish.

If you had to admit the most selfish thing you do on a regular basis, what would you say it is?
Indulge in too much wine. (can I have some cheese please?)
That, and getting all dirty + sweaty working.
Yup, I seek $$$
That makes me a slave to the allmighty dollar. Well, lots of dollars.
Show me the money, after fuel!

Brother Dave said...

Yes… tomorrow could not possibly be anything but better.

Good luck with the iPhone situation.

Jan said...

That's Monday for ya! It can only get better. I agree with every answer on your Manic Monday except for the first. It would be control my health. Have a Happy Tuesday!

Jan said...

That's Monday for ya! It can only get better. I agree with every answer on your Manic Monday except for the first. It would be control my health. Have a Happy Tuesday!

Trukindog said...

Emotions just make your nose run Pffffff. ;-)

Unknown said...

Yes, sometimes we have a bit too much emotion. :)
Wishing you a good day tomorrow!

Jodi said...

Jay - Yes. today WAS better, but tomorrow is shaping up to be hectic as hell.

T-dude - Are you saying you'll do ANYTHING for money? How much would a weekend alone with you cost? (wink)

Brother Dave - Believe it or not, I am surfing the net from a MAC in the Apple store in Louisville right now, waiting for my turn at the "Genius Bar" for them to doctor my iphone. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Tookie - Tuesday has been MUCH better. Thanks.

Finn - I've been really lucky lately. My Mondays haven't been too bad. I guess all my "monday"isms piled up in one day.

T-dog - I know something that would make you emotional....I'm not sure WHICH emotion we would see....hee, hee.

Lisa - As the song says, I will survive.


trkndude299 said...

I'll post this update:
Apple gave J a brand new phone.
Yes, there was some deliberation on their part but it was agreed the phone was still under warranty.

Yay, I'm glad something went Her way tonight.