Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Good news and bad news

Hey everybody.....
Let's start with the minor bad news: my Internet is not working at home. I am actually typing this post on my iPhone. So forgive any typos - it's hard to correct errors on this thing. And yes, I tried unplugging the modem AND the router. It didn't work. My brother-in-law works in computers and he has promised to come down this weekend and do what he can. In the meantime, it's a pain. And I miss sitting down for an hour or so and blog-surfing. **sigh**. Any ideas anyone?

Okay, now for some good news: Rachael is going to take Advanced College Credit French. She will actually be taking a college course for college credit at her high school. And yes, I ha ve to pay tuition for 3 credit hours, but it is at a reduced rate. I am proud of my girl!

Now for the really bad news: last night at Daniel's first official football game, he fell and sprained his ankle. A trip to the doctor, and subsequently an orthopedic surgeon, confirmed our fear - he broke a small bone in his foot. Diagnosis: out for a minimum of 4 weeks, possibly 6 weeks. He is really upset. I've rarely seen him this down. I have to admit I'm disappointed too. I love watching him play. If he gets to play after 4 weeks, he will have 3 games left. At 6 weeks, only 1 game. He says he does not want to quit the team and he wants to go back to the gym to lift weights. I'm sure he'll be fine. I was just looking forward to that highlights video at the end of the season.

Anyway, I am really tired of typing one letter at a time so I'm going to sign off.

Have a good week everyone.



Crys said...

oh no! so sorry to hear about Daniel!

(though congrats are in order to Rachael...)

Brother Dave said...

Daniel has learned that his situation is part of the game. It is a hard lesson on life. Too bad that it had to be during his younger years.

Alas, youth are resilient and heal fast. How terrific that Daniel wants to go to the gym to work out.

Brother Dave said...

Oh… btw, Rachel is your star too.

We are all proud of her.

Avitable said...

My suggestion would be to call your internet provider and let them run a diagnostic on it remotely.

Jay said...

Did you call your ISP? They might be the actual problem.

Yay for Rachael!

Sorry to hear about Daniel's foot. Don't let him rush back too soon!

Jan said...

That stinks about your internet connection! :(
Congrats to Rachael!
Hang in there, Daniel! Keep pumping and you'll be fearsome when you get back on the field! :)

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Sorry to hear about Daniel ... and your internet service. Hopefully both will have speedy recoveries.

Well done by Rachael with the advanced credit class.

Just Dave said...

Ouch! Sorry to hear about Daniel. I have done that to myself playing football by stepping in a small hole while making a cut. It hurts like hell.

Best wishes to Rachel. I hope she does very well. Bon chance.

e.Craig Crawford said...

A balance of the bad and the good. Almost sounds like real life. ;-)

But it is very important that Daniel allows that foot injury to heal properly. After all.. we use them dogs to get us around for all of our lives.

A lesson in patience for a young man.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your news:)