Thursday, July 26, 2007

For Harry Potter fans.....

What Hogwarts House do you belong in?

Gryffindor House

You have courage and heart! Whether you feel confident in yourself or not you always will come to the aid of those in the right and stand up to those in the wrong. You are loyal and true even to those who might not deserve such a good friend. Sometimes though you are too trusting and you don't think before you act.

Personality Test Results

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Quizzes and Personality Tests


Jay said...

I'm definitely Gryffindor. I bet you thought I'd be in Slytherin huh? ;-)

Jodi said...

No, I didn't think that. I thought you would be a Hufflepuff....since you're mostly full of hot air. (wink)


captain corky said...

We'll have to meet soon. Maybe for a cup of coffee or something. You can bring your younger kids and I'll bring my kid. It will be fun.

Sayre said...

I belong in Ravenclaw...
You are intelligent and witty. You always know the right thing to say or the right answer. Maybe not the shining star, you still always attract attention through your seemingly untouchable achievements. Sometimes though you alienate yourself due to a pretentiousness that is reflected in your knowledge. You intimidate those you could be friends with.

e.Craig Crawford said...

I'm on my way to the Ravenclaw House.

Rick Rockhill said...

Much to my surprise, I came out as Hufflepuff. Oh well could be worse!