Thursday, November 16, 2006

You knock my socks off, baby....

Happy Half-Naked Thursday, y'all! Thanks to Baron, who frequently knocks my socks off, for being my photographer...
These photos are playfully dedicated to Redneck Nerdboy! Enjoy!



captain corky said...

Gulp! Did I fail to mention that I have a serious foot fetish? I have to run, um... something suddenly came up.

Distant Timbers Echo said...


Captain Corky ain't alone in this. God, those are brilliant!

Well frickin' done ladyfriend. Well frickin' done! Sexy as hay-yell!

Distant Timbers Echo said...

I'm um... saving these to my collecti... I mean, for the archives!

You know... for research. 'hem!


sunShine said...

Are your toenails painted? You need some color on them! Otherwise, cool pics.

Elmwood said...

ok yes I have big feet, but I thought the first pic was a little girl's

MIA said...

Baron, lucky photag, what a pretty subject you have! J. You should not hate me anymore!

Regal said...

very pretty - HHNT

Anonymous said...

Very sensual looking pics. The middle one is my favorite.


Anonymous said...


Happy HNT!

cathouse teri said...

Absolutely sexy as hell! But, where's the paint on the toenails?

Even my granddaughter has had painted toenails since she was born. It's just the cutest thing. Her mother must want her to be a painted lady like her grandma. :)

Anonymous said...

The second one is so fluffy. ;)


Distant Timbers Echo said...

Totally suckable with or without polish HG.

You're the best!

Anonymous said...

Hoosier Girl's got legs all the way to her feet!

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one round here without a foot fetish? I prefer feet to have boots on them, shiny black leather boots...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I keep coming to this blog!

WOo Hoo. Certainly no "sophomore slump" on the second half naked Thursday. I removed my socks while looking so that you didn't feel under dressed.


FindingHeart said...

Dang, in my world, little piggies only got to go to the market. Yours got pearls?! Ha!

Nice job.

Dan The Man said...

Well hello there! I would like to offer my services.....