Friday, July 28, 2006

10 Things I Like....

1. Coffee. Especially white chocolate caramel lattes, with an extra shot and whipped cream. But any coffee is good.

2. Flowers. I LOVE flowers, of any kind for any reason.

3. Cards. Hallmark cards, e-cards, handmade cards. Especially if they have a note written in them, more than just "Love, Someone". I am particularly fond of birthday cards and Christmas cards, the mushier the better.

4. Diet Coke. My love for Diet Coke is well-documented. Yes, I know it's bad for me. So are crack and smoking cigarettes, but I don't do THOSE things. See, Diet Coke doesn't look so bad when you look at it that way, does it?

5. Affection. Hugs and kisses and hand-holding and snuggles. From my kids. From my S.O. From anyone I love.

6. Surprises. Not bad surprises, like "I want a divorce" or "Your car just blew up", but little things, unexpected things, that let you know someone cares. Like when my middle son snuck around behind my back at the cave gift shop to buy me a beautiful wind chime for my birthday. Or like someone expectedly making your favorite dessert (mine is chocolate cake with chocolate frosting), or bringing me a diet coke!

7. Sudoku and Scrabble. I thought I would lump these two things together. I am still not very good at Sudoku but I LOVE to try, and I AM getting better. I used to love to play Scrabble with a group of friends, but now I am reduced to playing against the computer.

8. Music. All kinds really, although country tops the list. And of course, any music produced by my children is THE BEST, whether it be Rachael rocking, Joseph cantoring at church, Daniel playing his recorder from school, or Aaron singing along to the radio in the back seat.

9. Reading. I have WAY too many books. I just can't help myself. My ex-husband once said, "When the library doesn't have a book, do they call YOU?". Ha. Ha, ha. Ha, ha. I have read a lot this summer, and it's been great. But the best part of reading is when you teach a child to read, or you read to him. It's the greatest gift you can give anyone: a love of reading.

10. Sitting on the front porch. I have a swing on my front's been there for 14 years. I could probably write a book about all the times I've had on that swing, good and bad, with and without kids, with and without a significant other, early mornings and sleepless nights. And lately I've had some great evenings on Baron's front porch swing as well, long talks and snuggles.

I don't know where this came from, but I woke up thinking about this list....I have been feeling a little down and I guess I was thinking about what would help to cheer me up. (Sigh) Oh well, for what it's worth - here it is.


yorksdevil said...

re. #4: Diet Coke is awful, if you're gonna do something you should do it right. Buy the real stuff.

eatmisery said...

If we lived near each other, I'd so kick your butt in Scrabble. Heh...

You know I love ya.

sunShine said...

I have to disagree on the Diet Coke thing, I don't really like carbonated drinks. The front porch swing, ahh. I got a swing for Mother's day, it isn't a front porch swing, because we don't have a front porch, but it is a yard swing and I love it. The baby and I go out and sit in it late in the afternoons and swing our cares away.

Kristi said...

Great list! I, too, love Diet Coke (especially the Lime version) and coffee. Oh, how I miss the caffeinated versions of these (pregnancy). And the front porch swing sounds wonderful. If I had one, I'd never want to leave it either.

Thanks for visitng my blog the other day! I'm going to explore yours some more now.