Do you recycle? Why or why not? Yes. Plastic and paper.
Would you rather be a pirate or a prince/princess? A princess, of course.
Are you into astrology? If yes, how does it affect your life? Not really. Sometimes I read my horoscope for amusement. But I have the worst astrological sign in the zodiac: Cancer the crab. A disease and a grouchy animal. Great.
CANCER for April 13, 2009:
Today a deep concern for the feelings of others could have you lending a sympathetic ear to those in need of a little understanding. At this point it is more important to listen than to talk, dear Cancer, even though your innate practicality might want to express itself. Your own affairs should go smoothly, bringing you and those around you a lot of satisfaction. Don't be surprised if at some point you shed a few tears of joy!
Happy Monday!
ME: Recycle- Yes.
Pirate or Princess- PIRATE!! Arr!
Astrology- Not really.
Blondefabulous - You were the ONLY one to comment on this one. Thank you!
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