Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fun Monday

After seeing how much fun "Fun Monday" can be over at Sayre's place, I have volunteered to "host" next week's Fun Monday! I have been thinking all day about what topic to go with, ranging from fun and fluffy to deep and dangerous. I have finally decided to go with "semi-deep" (is that anything like being "kind of pregnant"?).'s my topic: Love and Marriage. I have been married twice, once for 14 years, once for a year (long story, for those of you who don't know me). And now I am mid-40s, involved with a wonderful man, contemplating marriage for a third time. So what I want to know is: what do you consider important to a good marriage or relationship? Tell us a story of something endearing about your marriage or your parents' marriage. Include any wedding pictures or images of love that remind you of what a good relationship should be.

Let me know in the comments if you're in for next week.


UPDATE: Participants so far-
  1. Me!
  2. Sayre
  3. Jill
  4. Janis
  5. Swampy
  6. Faye
  7. Mariposa
  8. Bobbie Leigh
  9. Gattina
  10. Margaret (the misanthrope)
  11. Karisma
  12. Grace
  13. The Church Lady


Sayre said...

I'm in!!!

jill said...

sure why not?

Jan n Jer said...

Great topic..should be full of advice. Count me in also.

Swampy the Rebel said...

My Dear Hoosier Girl !
My name is Swampwitch...Swampy for short.
For over 2, yes count them T.W.O. whole years, I never missed a Mon Funday.
For the past few months, I've not participated in 1, yes count them O.N.E. Mon Funday.
I would like to play again.
BUT, if you ask around, you will find that very seldom do I follow the rules. Sometimes, I try really hard, but when that post goes up, it has nothing to do with what the assignment was.
So, Hoosier Girl, you may or may not allow me to play.
I promise to post something on Monday, but since I'm traveling, I have no wedding pics to share that are on this computer's hard drive. Maybe I'll steal someone else's to post.
At any rate, count me in for Mon Funday.
Your best new friend,

Faye said...

Hi Hoosier Girl! And welcome to Fun Monday from your KY neighbor. I'll play although my contribution may have to be mostly "book learning" since have nil experience with marriage. I do, however, totally believe in love. Thanks for hosting.

Mariposa said...

I'm not married yet but soon to be...and I guess it's something i'd love to write about as well so please count me in!

And welcome to Fun Monday!

Unknown said...

Sign me up- I had lots of fun with the last one! Thanks!

Ingrid said...

It's only 40 years I am married, but still, count me in, lol !

margaret (The misanthrope) said...

Terrific topic! Count me in!

Margaret (the Misanthrope)

Patience said...

Rats! I'm gonna be gone for a week probably w/o internet access. But I'll check out all the posts when I get back!

Sorry I can't play this time. Good topic tho!

karisma said...

Dear Hoosiergirl, I am a bit like Swampy at times but I did promise I would join in this week so I will try very hard to behave and to actually write a post this week! (I have been a bit slack with my blogging lately!)

Please count me in! I humbly promise to do something!!!!

grace said...

will do

Jodi said...

Sayre - Of course you are.

Jill - Welcome. And thanks.

Janis - I hope so, on the advice!

Swampy - Of course you are welcome. No one is keeping tally marks somewhere. (are they?)

Faye - Hey, you live in Louisville - I WORK in Louisville! We are going to get along great!

Mariposa - Thanks for the welcome! If you're engaged to be married, then I'm sure you have lots of thoughts and ideas on this topic!

Bobbie Leigh - I'm glad you're in!

Gattina - I expect the BEST advice from you!

Margaret - Consider yourself counted.

Patience - Sorry you can't make it this week. But thanks for stopping by!

Karisma - Great!

Grace - I'm looking forward to it.


Living Life said...

Hi and thanks for hosting Fun Monday this week. Please sign me up too!

Jodi said...

Church Lady - You're in!


Molly said...

Hey Hoosier Girl, Please sign me up for this Fun Monday.
Molly (Another Hoosier)

min said...

Please add me. I'm divorced, but I guess I'll come up with something.

Jodi said...

Molly and Min - You're on the list at the top!
