Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fun Monday is a-comin'........

My "Fun Monday" post will be a little late...because I'm going to scan my pictures in at work tomorrow. So I won't be able to put up my post until tomorrow evening. But here are this week's participants. I will be sure to get around and read everyone's advice. AND...we need a volunteer for next week. Anyone? Anyone?

This week's topic: Love and Marriage
What do you consider important to a good marriage or relationship? Tell us a story of something endearing about your marriage or your parents' marriage. Include any wedding pictures or images of love that remind you of what a good relationship should be.

  1. Me!
  2. Sayre
  3. Jill
  4. Janis
  5. Swampy
  6. Faye
  7. Mariposa
  8. Bobbie Leigh
  9. Gattina
  10. Margaret (the misanthrope)
  11. Karisma
  12. Grace
  13. The Church Lady
  14. Molly
  15. Min (I'm not sure why I'm not getting this link right - it's



Ingrid said...

When you put them up I probably will go to bed, lol ! so is my opinion about marriage

Ingrid said...

I mean HERE is my opinion .... lol!

ChrisB said...

Sorry I can't join you for the next few weeks I'm off on holiday but have fun.

Jodi said...

Gattina - I can't wait to read your advice!

ChrisB - Have fun on holiday!


Mariposa said...

Will be back here for sure! Will visit people now...

Jill said...

looks like everyone has posted. yeah! will have to come back to see what you have to say.