Aaron had a soccer game Friday night. He played well, and he was really happy that Daniel came along to watch.

We had an Easter egg hunt last Sunday in my parents' backyard. The top one is my nephew Tyler, who hates to have his picture taken. This was the best I could get of him. The other one is my nephew Will and Aaron.

Aaron loves the junk drawer. He is endlessly fascinated by the "stuff" you can find in there. Tonight he created an entire soccer field and players with some of its contents. In case you can't tell, the hole puncher is the referee. The markers are the players, along with an old cell phone and a Hot Wheel. I let him leave it set up on the livingroom floor when he went to bed.

Not surprisingly, after the busy weekend AND a very full Monday, I came home from work tonight and took a 2 hour nap!! I had a great weekend with Steven, but the guy wore me out! (wink) Seriously, I am very blessed to have such a great partner. He rocks my world....in more ways than one!
Your kids know how to have fun and entertain themselves.
Yes, Daniel looks handsome in his suit.
Congratulations! YOU'RE the Fun Monday host for next week.
What you need to do:
Come up with a topic for people to write or show pictures about (or both).
Have them sign up in the comments.
List their names with a link to their blog. I do that in the sign up and then copy it over for the Fun MOnday itself.
That's it! Lots of fun, slightly time consuming - and your traffic goes up as well.
Thanks for taking it on!
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