Sunday, August 10, 2008


A Letter to all men:

I have always been, since childhood, a friendly and outgoing person. I like to talk and socialize. I like to joke and kid around and laugh. But if I tease you, especially in an adult-humor-type way, I am NOT flirting with you. I promise. Let me clarify:

Flirting, to me, implies that I some to follow up on any of the suggestive comments being bantered about. True flirting is the prelude to touching, kissing, or some form of sexual contact. If I am truly flirting with you, then yes...I want that contact, or I am at least open to the possibility.

But making off-color jokes does not mean I want your body. Teasing you in an adult humor way does not mean I have the hots for you. It means (and let's be perfectly clear here) that I AM KIDDING. It means I am trying to MAKE YOU LAUGH.

That is all. No more.

At the moment, I am lucky enough to have a wonderful significant other. HE is the one who lights my fire. I want him, practically all the time. No matter what I say to you, or what you might think my joking comments imply, HE is the one that I want. No one else. But even if I were unattached, teasing you and kidding around with you does not mean I am interested in getting up-close and personal.

So, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but although your male ego may fool you into thinking otherwise......

I am not.


with you.





Southern (in)Sanity said...


Are you serious?!?!?!?!?

I can't believe it. I was sure you were flirting.

I think you're just saying this to back out of what you started.


Jodi said...

RWA - Watch it, Mister. I can tell when I'm being poked.

Blondefabulous - I'm so glad someone gets my point. Thank you.


Avitable said...

It's kind of shitty and unfortunate that you have to make this obvious statement.

Jodi said...

Adam - I totally agree. But I had had it with some people misconstruing my intentions. And I felt so much better after I wrote it. Thank you for, as a male, understanding my point.


Jay said...

Adam was flirting with you with that comment. LOL

You've totally crushed some poor guy today.

Good job! ;-)

Crys said...

but are you flirting with ME? because i'm a girl and i don't think it counts...

Just Dave said...

I get it, If I thought you were serious, it would probably terrify me as well as have me question your sanity. I mean, look at my picture again. I quit chasing women 37 years ago when I got married.

e.Craig Crawford said...

And I thought we had something going. I'm just crushed. And besides that, I'm crying in my beer. What a lousy night!

Jodi said...

Jay - If Adam was flirting with me, he disguised it well. I'm not trying to crush anyone in particular.

Crys - No, I'm not flirting with you either. I don't swing that way.

Just Dave - I'm glad we got THAT straight! Especially since we're going to meet soon! Yay!

Craig - I couldn't possibly keep up with you even if I wanted to! Sorry about your beer.


Anonymous said...

I totally think you were flirting with Crys. I mean, I would flirt with Crys... I mean... sometimes I DO flirt with Crys.

Brother Dave said...

I thought you were saving this post until April 1st. ;-)

Trukindog said...

Wow are you on a short leash.

Sayre said...

I guess I'm not much of a flirt, but I've known plenty of them and know they aren't serious - it's just part of who they are. Otherwise, my son's godmother would be chained to a concrete brick and hanging out at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico...

Still, it's kind of sad that people have to be TOLD.

trkndude299 said...

I've unleashed a demon!
That, or someones flirting with you.

Jodi said...

Amy - Well, okay....but just Crys! She is so adorable!

Brother Dave - Har, har.

Trukindog - This post is especially aimed at you, you nutball! (grin)

Sayre - It just had to be said. I felt better afterwards.

T-dude - No demon. Just setting the reoord straight. And no, no one is flirting with me. Except you.


trkndude299 said...

Main Entry: 1flirt Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: flrt
Function: verb
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1580
intransitive verb
1 : to move erratically : FLIT
2 a : to behave amorously without serious intent b : to show superficial or casual interest or liking i.e. flirted with the idea; also : EXPERIMENT a novelist flirting with poetry
3 : to come close to reaching or experiencing something -- used with with flirting with disaster the temperature flirted with 100°
transitive verb
2 : to move in a jerky manner
synonym see TRIFLE
- flir·ta·tion \flr-t-shn\ noun
- flirt·er noun
- flirty \flr-t\ adjective

I really agree with the:
To behave amorously without serious intent.
To show superficial or casual interest.

Yeay, my memory is accurate. This is what I remember flirting to be.

And yes, I feel women wrote the instructions to flirting. That's why only women get this.

Poppy said...

You are tooooootally flirting with me!!!!!


I had to share this post in Google reader because I love it so much.

Miss Britt said...

Why is this so hard for people to get??

Jodi said...

T-dude - You know I save all my flirts for you!

Poppy - Okay, you AND Crys. But you're the only ones. What does that mean, "share it on Google reader"? Something good?

Britt - I don't know. I'm not sure any man really gets it.


Poppy said...

Yes, a good thing. :)

trkndude299 said...

That's what I thought.
You were flirting all along.