Monday, July 14, 2008

Manic Monday

Hello Monday!!! I hope you all had a good start to your week. I started this week off by going to the first day of a 2-day training in "Care for Kids". It wasn't bad but it WAS kind of repetitive. (sigh) At least I get paid. After work I managed to tic a few things off my "to do" list, but I still have more to do!! August is looming just around the's time to get busy! For dinner, we had bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches, egg noodles, and peas. All the kids filled up.

It's time once again for Manic Monday:

What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed? I go to bed. If the kids are here, I just lay on my bed and watch TV in my room as much as possible. If the kids are NOT here, I change my clothes into something comfy, get INTO bed, and order pizza. And I watch sad movies.

Who was your first crush? A senior at my high school who was the lead in all the plays. I was in the 7th grade. I thought he was as good as any movie star, and I used to imagine him kissing me.

If given a chance to skip work for a day (without repercussions), how would you spend the entire day? If Steven is here, I would spend the day with him. If I am on my own, I would go back to sleep, read, watch TV, and watch movies.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the Super-duper deluxe road trip post, complete with pictures.



Shen-Shen said...

I like watching sad movies when I'm depressed too, I'm not sure why though, I don't feel as though they'd be of any help!

And what, 7th grade?! Is it odd that I had my first crush in Kindergarten????

Looking forward to your super-duper deluxe road trip post w/ pictures :D

Jay said...

I know a lot of people who watch sad movies when they are feeling sad. I don't understand how that helps, but I guess it does.

Brother Dave said...

I am not sure that watching sad movies is a choice of depressed individuals because they find it somehow helps. When someone is feeling down I expect he or she would not choose a comedy to watch. Perhaps a phenomenon of the depression.

As for me, when I am feeling down I tend to nap. Must be an "escape mechanism."

e.Craig Crawford said...
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e.Craig Crawford said...

Doesn't anyone do "Mesmerizing Monday" anymore?

Jodi said...

Shen-shen - I was a late bloomer! Ha,ha.

Jay - I think it gives us an outlet for our crying.

Brother Dave - I sleep, too.

Craig - YOU mesmerize me, really you do. And I'm pretty sure I'm there every Monday. Does that count?
